CPanel control panel based hosting to end

After over 2 decades of using CPanel, Host Hong Kong has decided to phase out the use of CPanel. With the industry moving away from shared hosting products, and more towards Cloud/VPS, we have decided to shift our focus towards the latter and simplify our product offerings as well as ongoing management and support.  Existing clients running on ... Læs mere »

31st May 2024
Power Outage

Power maintenance was conducted today between 10AM and 6PM (HKT). Although the maintenace work was scheduled, we were not inform by our building management, which unfortunately rendered us ill-prepared for the works. Our UPS continued to supply power to all servers for upto 1 hour. Unfortunatley, our generator, which is ordinarily serviced and ... Læs mere »

14th May 2023
DNS / Name Resolution Errors

The name resolution servers used by default ( and are no longer functioning. As a result, all servers using these name servers may fail to resolve any domains. It is recommended to switch to Google's name servers.Name Server 1: Name Server 2: For any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket. Læs mere »

2nd Oct 2022
Cloud Storage Outage

For approxately 2 hours, between 10:15am and 12:35pm, the majority of our storage servers, responsible for our Cloud, became unavailable. The Power Distribution Unit for the rack failed, resulting in 8 storage nodes losing power. This included the storage node that hosts our own website, thus, was also unavailable during this ... Læs mere »

5th Jun 2021

We have once again changed the IP of the NAT VPS. As always, please continue to use the domain to access your VPS. The host address (domain name) has not changed. Only the IP for which the domain resovles to has changed. The new IP should not be blocked in China, and we have added improved routes to China, providing lower latency and ... Læs mere »

17th Jun 2020

Our NAT VPS public shared IP has changed from to domain NAT0.HK.PN has been updated to reflect this IP change, but it may be several hours for the DNS to propogate through the global DNS system.There has been no change to the port numbers allocated to each VPS. There has also been no change to the IPv6 addresses ... Læs mere »

2nd Jul 2019
Bank Details Changed

Host Hong Kong would like to remind all clients that our Banking details have changed and the old account will no longer be able to accept deposits as of January 31st 2019. Please ensure to check the invoice for the latest banking details. If in doubt, please contact us.

30th Jan 2019
VPS Node Repaired

Following the power outage at 9:30am on March 25th, the VPS node SVR67, hosting primarily the HK-KVM-Promo plans, was repaired and brought back online at around 4am, March 26th.

All VPS on the affected node should now be online and fully operational.

For any concenrs or queries, please feel free to contact us via our Ticket Help Desk.

27th Mar 2018
UPS Failure

On Saturday 24th March 2018 at aproximately 11pm and Sunday 25th March 2018 at aproximately  10am, there were partial outages at our Hong Kong Data Center.1 UPS, used for 4 racks, apears to have failed, resulting in power outages in the affeceted racks. The power outages would have lasted only 2-3 minutes prior to our on-site diesel generator ... Læs mere »

26th Mar 2018
Power Maintenance Work - Sunday 25th March

On Sunday 25th March, our building's power will under inspection and maintenance. Maintenance work is scheduled to begin at 9:30 AM and last until 5PM.We are committed to continue providing uniterupted service throughout this period, and have a generator for our power needs for the entire duration. We have scheduled a full service of our ... Læs mere »

21st Mar 2018